Friday, September 28, 2007

Sometimes, you get lucky

Maybe I just happened to stumble upon a ballerina in an alley, twirling and whirling about. Maybe I wished I was five again, and able to believe that alley ballerinas are divas in their own right. Maybe she will be a star, and I somehow I helped with her process. Or maybe she was just having fun, and I got lucky.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Okay, I am functioning on four hours sleep-- baby kept waking up, a little insomnia about the new studio, lots of work going on--- very exciting stuff and I am really loving all the fun people that I have met this week--- but Wednesday was all I could come up with for a blog title. I think I need to go to bed!! Anyway, I had to share this sweet one with you before I tuck in for the night. We had a great time, and boy! is he ever a talented gymnast!

Monday, September 24, 2007

One Sunday Morning....

This shoot proves that the third time is the charm. We had two reschedules, so this was our third "appointment" together. Multiply that by three great kids, and you get the picture! You guys were so fun to work with, and I am sooooooo glad that we *finally* got to meet. Thank you for spending your Sunday morning with me!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

This is for you....

Tammy! I promised I would get you a sneak tonight... so here you go! It was such a pleasure to work with you and your famous, well mannered, camera-loves-them boys. Thank you for making the trip.

This one's for you...

Tammy! I promised I would get you a sneak tonight... so here you go! It was such a pleasure to work with you and your famous, well mannered, camera-loves-them boys. Thank you for making the trip.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Beautiful Day, Beautiful Boy

Some of you already know this wonderful lil' sweet pea.... couldn't help but post him.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

yup, we had THAT much fun.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Fast Friends

Meet my newest friend. I knew I was in for a good time when he took me by the hand and showed me around. Already a little gentleman, at only four years old! These are for you, Gia!